What About Us? 

Your Mental Fitness is Our Business

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We believe in skills, not disorders.

The reality is that whatever we focus on gets amplified. Focusing on our problems means that the problem at hand gets amplified rather than the much-needed solution. Just like when we're stuck in the mud, continuing to spin our wheels only means we mire up even deeper. Our classes are designed to help you develop a core set of mental fitness skills in which identifying your problems as merely a means of taking ownership and defining unsuccessful past approaches, not getting hopelessly stuck. The primary aim is to be future-focused and ready to leverage freshly minted skills for solving real problems and reaching real goals.


As children, we are taught basic skills such as how to read, write, or play an instrument or a sport. We are not expected to perform up to par in any of these without proper instruction and literal years of practice. Yet, we are seldom systematically taught crucial skills for relationships, socializing, self-care, emotional regulation, self-soothing, or healthy coping. Instead, we mimic the very imperfect (and often destructive) efforts of those around us. The result? We become too easily crippled by negative life events because we simply don't know how not to be. This is why we believe mental fitness skills are for everyone and for every day, from the minor problems of everyday living to catastrophic events.

Our mFIT Vision

Our vision is to provide access to on-demand training in mental fitness across our nation and beyond to enhance the lives of as many people as possible. Too many folks suffer needlessly because they simply don't have the skills to effectively manage their social, emotional, and mental lives. We believe this ought not be. No one should languish in intolerable conditions due to a mere lack of knowledge. Our vision is to make sure the needed training is available to anyone who desires it. Intensive, specialty programs are also available.

Our mFIT Mission

Our overarching mission is to reduce human suffering by teaching mental fitness skills for everyday living, whether to increase productivity, creativity, or problem solving; improve social engagement and relationships; teach effective and compassionate parenting; reduce self-abuse through appropriate self-care; or alleviate the symptoms of mental disorders through altering perspectives and contexts. What this means to us is that we take the mission of empowering people to a whole new level.

Our Non-Profit Partner

While we make every effort to keep our classes affordable for all, we also know that some people need a little more help. Thus, we donate a different 4- to 6-week class each quarter to ensure that those with the least don't get left out. Mental Fitness Education creates public awareness campaigns to promote mental fitness skills. With the ever-present stigma associated with anything labeled "mental health," it's time for a new approach. We focus on teaching skills rather than defining disorders as one solution to this problem.

A Word from our Founder

Why study with us? Because the sweet possibilities of life are simply too vast to be held back by uncertainty, fear, or a lack of skills masquerading as mental disorders. These crucial skills are too easy to learn that living without them shouldn't even be an option. Life can and will throw us curve balls, but there's no reason to let it throw us off our game. To be mentally fit is to be ready and able to meet every challenge that comes our way. Just like playing baseball, becoming a pro doesn't happen by accident but through hard work and lots of practice! So come on, huddle with us in the dug out...and get ready to win the game of your life.          ~Susan Hickman, PhD, PsyD